
(安徽师范大学 马克思主义学院,安徽 芜湖 241002)

大数据时代; 高校思想政治教育; 新境遇; 现实困境; 实效性

A Research on the Practical Effect of the Ideological and Political Education of Colleges in the Era of Big Data
BI Chang-xi,LU Bing-hui

(School of Marxism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,China)

the era of big data; the ideological and political education of colleges; new situation; realistic predicament; practical effect

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.01.003


大数据对高校思想政治教育教学、服务和管理的全程介入,使高校思想政治教育面临新的境遇; 但由于硬件设施薄弱、数据壁垒森严、专门人才短缺和数据安全堪忧等问题的制约,高校思想政治教育应用大数据还存在一定的困难。通过树立大数据意识、构建大数据平台、提升大数据应用能力、完善大数据管理制度等策略,有助于提升大数据时代高校思想政治教育的实效性。

The ideological and political education of colleges is faced with the new situation where the big data is fully involved in the teaching, service and management. In fact there are some difficulties in applying big data in the ideological and political education owing to the constraints like the weak hardware facilities, the strongly guarded data, the shortage of special talents and the worrying data security. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some strategies including setting up the awareness of big data, building a big data platform, enhancing the application ability of big data and improving the managing system for big data and so on in order to promote the effectiveness of the ideological and political education of colleges in the era of big data.