
(1.广州美术学院 思政部,广东 广州510260; 2.中山大学 马克思主义学院,广东 广州510260)

马克思; 人性论; 思想政治教育

The Significance of Marx's Theory of Human Nature for the Ideological and Political Education
HUANG Pin1, LI Hui2

(1.Section of Political Science, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou 510260, China; 2.School of Marxism, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510260, China)

Marx; the theory of human nature; ideological and political education

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.06.001


马克思人性论蕴含了人性的自然属性、社会属性、精神属性、发展属性等基本内容,为思想政治教育的存在和发展奠定了科学的人性理论基础。人性的基本属性又为思想政治教育指明了发展的方向:基于人的自然性,思想政治教育应关切人的需要和利益诉求; 基于人的社会性,思想政治教育应深刻把握和重点关注社会关系的发展与变迁,把个体社会化与社会规范化结合起来; 基于人的精神性,思想政治教育应建构人的精神家园,促使个体精神成人; 基于人的发展性,思想政治教育应为个人自由全面发展提供精神动力。

Marx's theory of human nature contains the basic content like natural quality, social property, spiritual attribute and developing trait, which lays a scientific foundation for the existence and development of the ideological and political education today. Besides, the basic attributes of human nature determine the direction and the goal of the development of ideological and political education. As for the natural attribute, the ideological and political education should return to the world of human life by joining the ideological education with the life care. Because of the social attribute, the ideological and political education should pay attention to the development and changes of social relations to combine the individual socialization with the social normalization. Based on the spiritual attribute, the ideological and political education should get inside people's spiritual world and put emphasis on the cultivation of people's spiritual life and the construction of man's spiritual home. In terms of the development attribute, the ideological and political education should take great care of personal growth to meet the need of all-round development of human beings.