
(上海交通大学 马克思主义学院,上海 200240)

马克思; 现实的个人; 思想政治教育; 价值基础; 价值目标

A Study on the Value of the Ideological and Political Education in the Perspective of Marx's Idea of “Realistic Individual”
SHU Ya-ting

(School of Marxism, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)

Marx; realistic individual; the ideological and the political education

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.03.004


“现实的个人”思想作为唯物史观的前提,是思想政治教育研究和实践以及确立思想政治教育主客体关系的逻辑起点,为思想政治教育的创立和发展奠定了坚实的价值基础。“现实的个人”与思想政治教育的价值目标相契合,其一是立足于人的现实需要,实现人的自由全面发展; 其二是满足社会发展的需求,推动社会向前发展。因此,要实现思想政治教育的价值目标,首先要坚持思想政治教育主客体的统一,构建正确的主客体关系; 其次,需要在思想政治教育过程中将个人与社会统一起来,肩负起思想政治教育的“双重职责”。

As the premise of historical materialism, the idea of “realistic individual” is the logical starting point to study and practice the ideological and political education the relationship between subject and object. This thought lays a solid value basis for the construction and development of the ideological and political education, for the value goal of the “realistic individual” is consistent with that of the ideological and political education. The former one is to realize the free and all-round development of human beings based on their realistic needs, and the latter is to meet the needs of social development and promote social development. Therefore, to realize the value goal of the ideological and political education, first of all, we should insist on the unity of subject and object in the ideological and political education and construct the correct relationship between them. Moreorer we need to integrate the individual and the society in the process of the ideological and political education to shoulder the “dual responsibilities”.