
(中渝名威工程技术有限公司,重庆 400020)

重庆巫山文峰观; 元天祖师殿; 文昌殿; 复原

A Restorative Exploration of Halls of Primus and Wenchang God in Wenfeng Taoist Temple at Wushan County
HE Zhi-yi

(Zhongyu Mingwei Engineering Technology co., LTD., Chongqing 400020, China)

Wushan County of Chongqing Wenfeng Temple; Hall of Primus; Hall of Wenchang God; restoration

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.04.006


从历史建筑遗址、碑刻与历史文化逻辑及三峡地区明清时期宫观建筑特征出发,对川东地区道教次中心所在地重庆巫山县文峰观元天祖师殿和文昌殿的进行复原探索。其目的 是通过复原历史建筑的真实面貌,说明建筑文化与建筑技术在历史上某一阶段的地域性特征与延续继承性,以解对历史建筑臆测之谬误。

Based on an restorative exploration of Halls of Primus and Wenchang God in Wenfeng Taoist Temple at Wushan County of Chongqing, a Taoist sub-center of the eastern Sichuan basin, this paper studies the historical architectural sites, the logic of history and culture and also the features of the Taoist temple buildings built in Ming and Qing dynasties in the Three Gorges area. It is not to rebuild historical architectures, but to expound the regional characteristics and the continuity of architectural culture and building technology in a certain period of history and restore the true features of those historical buildings, so as to clarify the fallacy of the conjecture about historical buildings.