
(1.德州学院 历史与社会管理学院,山东 德州 253023; 2.电子科技大学 公共管理学院,四川 成都 611731)

停车设施属性; 供给方式; 市场化指数

A Study of the Attribute and the Supply Model of Parking Facilities
LI Pan-dao1, JI Da-xing2

(1 History and Society Management College, Dezhou University, Dezhou 253023, China; 2 School of Public Fairs and Administration, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China)

properties of parking facility; supply model; marketization index

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.02.009


运用公共物品理论,构建了停车设施的市场化指数模型,采用德尔菲法对停车设施市场化指数模型各指标进行科学赋值。依据市场化指数值,对五大类停车设施的供给方式进行明确界定,给出各类停车设施最具效率的投资方式。结果 显示,路外停车场、居住配建停车场及公共建筑物的配建停车场倾向于“私人物品”属性,最佳的投资方式应该是市场化; 路内停车场及政府办公楼配建停车场倾向于“公共物品”属性,最佳的投资方式应该是合同承包或者特许经营。

Based on the theory of public goods this paper constructs a marketization index model of parking facilities, and gives values to all indicators in the model scientifically by means of Delphi. According to the marketization index value, the paper defines the supply model of five types of parking facilities, and provides the most effective way of investment. It is found that as for the personal properties like the off-road parking lot, the parking lot of residential buildings and the parking lot of public buildings, the best way of investment should be market-oriented. Since the inside-road parking lot tends to be public properties, the optimal investment should be in the manner of contracting or franchising, which is also suitable for the parking lot of government offices owing to its public attribute.