
(兰州理工大学 外国语学院,甘肃 兰州 730050)

新闻评论话语; 批评话语分析; 态度资源; 对比研究

A Comparative Study on the Attitude Resources of Chinese and British News Commentaryfrom the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis——A discourse analysis based on Hong Kong riots reviews in The Guardian and People's Daily

(School of Foreign Languages, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China)

news comments; critical discourse analysis; attitude resources; comparative study

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.02.012


以中英两国具有影响力的新闻媒体《人民日报》和《卫报》在2019年6月至12月期间就香港暴乱的新闻评论话语为研究对象,基于批评话语分析理论,从态度资源系统的情感、判断以及鉴赏角度对比研究两家媒体对香港暴乱现象的态度资源分布异同,试图揭示评论背后隐藏的意识形态和政治立场。研究发现,判断资源在两报评价中占有很大比例,但在判断对象评论角度上截然不同; 语言表征方式也存在差异,《卫报》评论者多引用他人言语而《人民日报》的评价方式较单一。通过对态度资源分布的批评话语分析,揭示了西方媒体在新闻话语评论中隐含的负面意识形态,为读者正确理解新闻评论话语提供参考,并对中外报刊的阅读和写作提供借鉴。

The paper focuses on the news comments about the riots in Hong Kong in two influential Chinese and British media, The Guardian and People's Daily, from June 2019 to December 2019. Based on critical discourse analysis, this paper studies the similarities and differences in the distribution of attitude resources between two medias in terms of affect, judgment and appreciation in an attempt to reveal the hidden ideology and political stance behind the comments. The result indicates that judgment takes a very large proportion in the comments of two newspapers, but two media hold different angles toward the comment target. In addition, there are differences in the language representation. The Guardian tends to cite others' ideas while People's Daily's method is relatively simple. By means of critical discourse analysis on the distribution of attitude resources, this paper reveals the hidden negative ideology in the news commentary of Western media in the hope of offering some references for readers' understanding of news comments and some insights into reading and writing for newspaper home and abroad.