
(安徽大学 社会与政治学院,安徽 合肥 230601)

隔代抚养; 进城祖辈; 角色转换; 消解路径

“Role Shift”: A Research on the Role Predicament of Intergenerational Childcareby Grandparentsin to the City and the Resolution Path

(School of Sociology and Political Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China)

intergenerational childcare; grandparents into the city; role shift; social work

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.04.006


现代城乡发展、生产生活方式和文化观念的转变令中青年一代在育幼方面逐渐弱化,使得进城祖辈在孙辈抚养中仍有突出的价值。结合米德提出的角色理论,在构建进城隔代抚养祖辈生活困境理论分析框架的基础上,剖析进城隔代抚养祖辈的身心压力大、身份适应慢和社会融入差等问题; 依托“角色转换”理论分析框架,联系社会现实,提出祖辈生活困境消解路径:提高个人能力,加快祖辈身份适应; 增强家庭支持,减轻祖辈身心压力; 完善社会政策,促进祖辈社会融入。进而实现社会角色的有效转换,消解个体困境。

With the modern urban and rural development and the change of production method, life style and cultural concept, the young generation become incompetent in childcare gradually, which highlights the value of grandchildren raising by grandparents into the city. Based on Mead's role-taking theory, the paper establishes a theoretical analysis framework of life difficulties of the grandparents who go into cities to take care of grandchildren and analyzes problems of these intergenerational childcare grandparents such as physical and mental stress, slow identity adaption, and poor social integration. Combining the theory of role shift with the social practice, this paper puts forward the path to resolve grandparents' life dilemma in the manner of speeding up grandparents' identity adaptation by improving their personal ability, reducing their physical and mental pressure by adding up family communication, and promoting their social integration by improving social policies. It is important to achieve the effective shift of social role to resolve personal predicament.