
(西南科技大学 土木工程与建筑学院,四川 绵阳 621000)

唐代; 皇家藏书楼建筑; 秘书省; 翰林院

A Spatial Location Analysis of Royal Library Buildings in the Capital of the Tang Dynasty
LIU Hong

(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000, China)

the Tang Dynasty; royal library building; Imperial Library; Imperial Academy

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2022.06.010


As a unique carrier of China's book collection culture, the library building is a kind of cultural building with a comprehensive function. Besides, influenced by the culture and activities of book collecting in various dynasties, the library building gradually has a style of its own. The paper studied the spatial location and spatial layout of library buildings in different periods to find out the law and characteristics of the development of the library building under the influence of the book collection culture. The Tang royal library buildings were built up in both Chang'an, the capital city of the west capital, and Luoyang, the capital city of the east. Thanks to the steady development of society, politics and economy, the number of books collected has increased as never before and the collections of books were extensively enriched in the Tang Dynasty. According to the government policy to stop armament and revitalize culture and education, some library buildings for the use of emperors and officials were constructed in the imperial city, such as the Imperial Library, Hongwen Academy, the National Achieves, Chongwen Academy, the State Classics Bureau, Jixian Academy and the Imperial Academy and some schools were built up in other places to recruit talents, teach the classics, and serve as libraries. The library buildings in the Tang capital were constructed to set up an organization as a place of collection, collation, and teaching in accordance with the system of the previous dynasty, and some important buildings were utilized flexibly due to the use of emperors.