
(兰州财经大学 商务传媒学院, 甘肃 兰州 730020)

敦煌; 陷蕃人诗; 抒情; 时空

On the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of the Lyric Poetry by the People Exiled to Tubo
ZHU Jun-yi

(School of Business Media, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730020,China)

Dunhuang; poetry by the people exiled to Tubo; lyric; space and time

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.01.012



Written by the exiled poets when Tubo regime was powerful and prosperous in the late Tang dynasty, the poems reflect their journey from Dunhuang to Linfan city where they were detained, and express their deep feelings of sadness, pain, ambivalence and homesickness when they were away from the hometown. The poems project a strong sense of time and space. In the poems, there are a large number of time images such as season, morning and evening, period of time, summer and winter, and the space images like direction distance, scenery, etc.. The reason is that confined to very limited space during this period the poets were sensitive to the changing of time and space with the dim prospects and the wishful nostalgia, hence creating the poems of the features mentioned above.