
(同济大学 建筑与城市规划学院,上海 200092)

二线关; 隔阂; 职业群体; 分化; 职业教育

The Estrangement: A Discussion on the Social Stratification in the Checkpoints on Shenzhen Special Economic Region Boundary-line from the Perspective of the Occupation Group Differentiation——Take Tongleguan Checkpoint as an example

(College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

checkpoints on the special economic region boundary-line; estrangement; occupational groups; social stratification; vocational education

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.04.005



Shenzhen Special Economic Region Boundary-line is a man-made border between the special region and the inland. Though the different land policy and the economic system inside and outside the boundary contribute to the city development, the checkpoints on the boundary-line hinder the progress of Shenzhen gradually, hence the estrangement of nearby residents in living conditions and job environment to some extent. Based on the field research of Tongleguan, one of the checkpoints, the paper studies comparatively the perimeter differences of working space, income, dwelling condition, commuting and other daily activities from the perspectives of special distribution, and population occupation. The analysis reveals that the stratification and estrangement result initially from the separation of material and space, and then the different job division and the resulting social injustice. As a result, a further misunderstanding of each social group is aroused in the aspect of their living condition, the way of life and the survival circumstance. Analyzing the causes of the issue, the paper puts forward the rational solution to improve the living condition and promote the social equality by offering the vocational education for social stratum mobility.
