
(安徽科技学院 人文学院,安徽 凤阳 233100)

莎士比亚; 马克思; 自耕农; 农业工人; 人文关怀

From “the Proud Yeomanry of England” to “the Agricultural Laborers”——A perspective from which Marx pays attention to Shakespeare
HE Jian-wei

(College of Humanities, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100, China)

Shakespeare; Marx; yeomanry; agricultural laborer; humanist care

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.05.012



The yeomanry, whose image in Shakespeare's play is characterized of financial independence, self-pride, bravery, and so on, is the force to safeguard the territorial integrity of UK. However, in the process of the large-scale industrialization of capitalism, they become the impoverished agricultural laborers who are discussed in the Marx' work as their bodies are abnormal and their minds are vacant by overworking. The high attention to the “agricultural laborer” by Marx indicates obviously the humanist care in his economics and the unique perspective he cites from Shakespeare's, which would enlighten us in reading Shakespeare's work.