
(陕西理工大学 文学院,陕西 汉中 723000)

艺术生产; “诗人”; 创作动机; 创作心理

Selection of “Poets”——A research on the creative psychology in art production

(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China)

artistic production; “poet”; the motive for creation; the sychology of creation

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.06.013



Since the artistic production is an aesthetic spiritual one in art form, the exploration of its motive for creation, the way of production and the psychology of creation should not be independent of the artist himself. Creative Writers and Day-dreaming by Sigmund Freud explores the approaches in which the poet obtains and outputs the information he needs for his creative production of literary and artistic works. Because of the complexity of the reasons and techniques, the poet's inspiration cannot be simply attributed to a daydream-like illusion or the daydream itself, nor can it be denied that the interpretation of “daydream” has an unignorable influence on the artistic production of poets. Based on the study of The Moon and Sixpence and Farewell My Concubine, the paper discusses the selection and psychology of the “poet”, so as to clarify a series artistic authoring experiences like the motive of artistic production and the creative psychology.