
(安徽师范大学 马克思主义学院,安徽 芜湖 241000)

李嘉图; 马克思; 商品价值量; 商品价值本质

On Marx's Theory beyond Ricardo's Labor Theory of Value——From the perspective of the quantity and quality of commodity value
HU Qi-bin

(School of Marxism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China)

Ricardo; Marx; commodity value; the quantity of commodity value; the quality of commodity value

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.01.002



In Marx's view, the mode of production in the capitalist period that Ricardo was in is not yet mature, for the capitalist economic relations were still taken then as an eternal and natural form and there was no reasonable resolution to the contradiction between the quantity and quality of commodity value under the capitalist production conditions. In short, Ricardo stands in the position of the capitalist class to understand the theory of labor value thus classifying it as a natural category. Secondly, Ricardo fails to subdivide the demand of the commodity quality to meet the needs of the people and lays less stress on the value of human life. Thirdly, Ricardo does not clarify the concept of abstract labor and even neglect the abstract labor. Theorizing the two-fold character of labor scientifically, Marx establishes the subjective status of laborers, explicits the substance of value and the law of value, and focuses on the study of the qualitative character of commodity value, which is beyond Ricardo's labor theory of value.