
(西安建筑科技大学 文学院,陕西 西安 710055)

刘绍攽; 《经余集》; 诗歌; 审美

A Discussion on the Poetic Aesthetic Features of Jing Yu Ji, an Anthology of Liu Shaoban
HAO Xiao-yan, FENG Yang

(School of Language, Literature and Law, Xi'an University of Arch. and Tech., Xi'an 710055, China)

Liu Shaoban; Jing Yu Ji; poetry; aesthetics

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.02.015


《经余集》是刘绍攽的诗歌代表作。通过分析《经余集》中的代表性诗篇,来探寻刘绍攽所传达的诗学审美思想。认为其诗作风格既笔触雄健,意象苍茫,又有着秦地慷慨激昂的刚健雄浑之美; 既感念历史人物,有抒怀悲凉的壮美,更有反应诗人内心柔思体悟之优美,整体上形成了多元化的审美格调。

This paper explores the poetic aesthetic thought by analyzing the representative poems in Jing Yu Ji, Liu Shaoban's main poetry masterpiece. It is believed that his poetry is of the style filled with not only wild strokes and boundless images and also the impassioned and vigorous beauty of Shaanxi. The anthology expresses poet's gratitude to historical figures, the grandeur of sadness, and the gracefulness of the poet's inner tenderness, which has formed a diversified style of aesthetics.