
(甘肃中医药大学定西校区 人文教学部,甘肃 定西 743000)

农村妇女; 乡村振兴; 作用研究

A Study on the Role of Rural Women in the Rural Vitalization Strategy in Poverty-Stricken Areas——A case of Tongwei county, Gansu province
TANG Yong-xia,LUO Wei-guo

(Department of Humanity, Dingxi Campus of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Dingxi 743000, China)

rural women; rural vitalization; research of role

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.03.007


随着我国城市化进程的迅速发展,贫困地区的农村人口大幅度减少。实证调查研究表明:贫困地区农村妇女在乡村振兴战略中的作用日渐凸显。然而,贫困地区封闭的传统观念、落后的经济条件以及政策与体制等诸多因素,限制和削弱着贫困地区农村妇女在乡村振兴中作用的充分发挥。针对此现状,提出了推动贫困地区农村妇女在乡村振兴战略中发挥作用的对策建议:加强宣传教育促进农村妇女主体意识的自我觉醒; 健全就业服务体系打造农村妇女发展的产业舞台; 提供政策保障确保农村妇女参与乡村治理。

With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the rural population in poverty-stricken areas has been greatly reduced. The empirical research shows that the role of rural women in the rural revitalization strategies is becoming increasingly prominent. However, the unenlightened traditional ideas, the backward economic condition and other factors in policy and system limit and weaken the full play of rural women role in rural revitalization in the these areas. Accordingly, the paper puts forward recommendations to promote the role of rural women in the strategy of rural vitalization.