
(厦门大学 中文系,福建 厦门 361005)

《沉沦》; 身体; 民族国家话语

The Body Narrative and the National Imagination in Chen Lun
HAN Chao

(College of Humanities, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China)

Chen Lun; body; national-state discourse

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.03.014


《沉沦》以极其个人化的身体叙事表现着20世纪20年代“零余者”的悲哀,反复书写着青年学生在日本的弱小民族体验以及由此而生出一系列“卑贱”经验。由此我们得以关注到在海外这一空间孱弱的男性身体所遭受到的民族化困境; 在情欲的压抑和发泄中,身体既与民族国家话语重叠、同构又不断撕裂,形成复杂的双向互动关系。重新思考二者之间的关系为考察五四时期留日学生甚至整个现代化进程中的主体建构与国族认同提供了一个新的维度。

Chen Lun expresses the sorrow of “superfluous men” in the 1920s with a kind of highly personal body narration, and repeatedly describes a series of humble experiences of young students, a weak ethnic group in Japan. Thus, close attention may be paid to the national dilemma that those weak male bodies suffered in overseas. In the repression and release of lust their body not only overlaps with the nation-state discourse but also is isomorphic and constantly torn apart. This phenomenon forms a complex two-way interaction relationship. The rethinking of it provides a new dimension for investigating the subject construction and national identity of the students who stayed in Japan during the May 4th movement and even in the whole progress of modernization.