
(安徽商贸职业技术学院 思政部, 安徽 芜湖 241002)

共同体; 人类命运共同体; 秩序观; 治理体系; 价值观; 世界意义

On Marx and Engels' Thought of Community: Text Understanding, Theoretical Interpretation and Creative Application
TAO Shao-xing

(Department of Ideological and Political Education, Anhui Business College, Wuhu 241002, China)

community; a community of shared future for mankind; a view of world order; governance system; values; worldwide significance

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.01.001


文本耕犁下的马克思恩格斯共同体思想具体包括作为分离的共同体的社会组织、作为政治共同体的国家及由“自然形成的共同体”到“真正的共同体”的生成,在特定语境中,还泛指“联合”与“企业”,等等。学理阐释中的马克思恩格斯共同体思想内蕴着个体不能脱离共同体的主体向度、人类社会的发展与共同体的演化正相关的时间向度和“历史向世界历史转变”的空间向度等三个向度。人类命运共同体的应然出场适逢其时,它既是解决“世界怎么了、我们怎么办”这一现实问题的中国方案,也是马克思恩格斯共同体思想中国化的迫切理论需要。作为一种崭新的世界秩序观,人类命运共同体倡导国际关系民主化,超越了西方主流国际关系理论; 作为一种新的全球治理体系,人类命运共同体为经济全球化注入了强劲动力。

According to text understanding, Marx and Engels'thought of community, which is extensive and profound, deals with such concepts as the social organization as a detached community, the state as a political community, the generation of“real community” from “naturally communities”, and the general reference of “combine” and “enterprise” in special context. In theoretical interpretation, the thought contains three dimensions: the subject dimension that individual is incompetent to be divorced from community, the time dimension that the community evolution is positively related to the development of human society, and the spatial dimension that the history is turning into “world history”. The vision of a community of shared future for mankind, having come out at a right time, provides a Chinese solution to tackle the realistic problem of “what is wrong with the world and what shall we do?” and also meets an urgent theoretical need for the sinicization of Marx and Engels'thought of community. As a brand-new view of world order, the initiative advocates the democracy in international relations and precedes the mainstream international relations theory in the West. As a new global governance system, it is injecting strong impetus into economic globalization.