
(首都师范大学 历史学院,北京100048)

; 居; 地名; 基层组织

A Study on the References of “qiu” in the Pre-Qin Period
ZHANG Peng-bo, MA Bao-chun

(School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China)

upland; residing a upland; toponym; grassroots organizations

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.02.005


先秦时期,人类社会与“丘”息息相关,人因丘而茁壮成长,丘因人而流传于世。首先,“丘”是自然界中一种独特的小地貌景观,是新石器时期到春秋战国时期人们居住环境的极佳选择; 其次,“丘”作为地名,尤其是文献所记载的都邑之名,是夏商周时期人地关系的重要见证,也是人类社会把自己从自然界剥离出来的重要标志; 最后,“丘”作为基层行政组织,其产生、发展和衰亡,可以窥探出商周秦汉时期中国基层行政组织的演变规律。

In the pre-qin period, the human society was closely bound up with upland, for human beings have thrived relying on hills, which in return have got their fame from human activities. First of all, “qiu”, the upland in nature, is a small and unique geomorphologic landscape providing, an excellent choice of living conditions for people from the New Stone Age period to the Spring and Autumn period. Secondly, serving as a toponym and especially the city name recorded in the document, “qiu” is an important witness of the relationship between man and the Earth in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and also an important symbol separating human society from nature. Finally, “qiu” refers to a grass-roots administrative organization whose emergence, development and decline represent the evolvement rule of China's grass-roots administrative organization in the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties.