
(福建师范大学 马克思主义学院,福建 福州 350117)

新型城镇化; 乡村振兴; 乡村文化; 文化传承

The Dilemma and the Path Analysis of the Rural Cultural Inheritance and in the Progress of New-type Urbanization
ZHUANG Xue-cun

(School of Marxism, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China)

new-type urbanization; rural revitalization; rural culture; cultural inheritance

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.04.007


新时期,协同推进新型城镇化建设和实施乡村振兴战略的双轮驱动,走向城乡融合发展,是农业农村现代化的必由之路,而乡村文化传承是乡村振兴的重要组成和内涵提升。党的十八大提出新型城镇化建设以来,乡村文化传承面临新的时代背景,有机遇也有挑战。从乡村自身、乡村文化和乡村文化传承三个维度层层深入,剖析乡村文化传承在新型城镇化建设中的载体缺失、主体缺位、介体缺乏等困境。进而提出路径分析与重构:坚持以人为本和文化自信,不断丰富乡村发展和城镇建设内涵; 坚持有机更新,促进乡村文化的“创造性转化、创新性发展”; 坚持统筹协调,统筹内部、外部和基层组织等主体参与乡村文化传承; 坚持平衡发展,平衡城乡之间以及城镇经济和乡村文化之间的发展。

In the new period, the two-wheel drive of coordinating the construction of new-type urbanization and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization is the only way for the modernization of agriculture and rural areas to move towards the integration and development of urban and rural areas,and the inheritance of rural culture is an important component and connotation to promote rural revitalization. Since the 18th National Congress of CPC proposed a new-type urbanization, the inheritance of rural culture has been faced with a new era background of both opportunities and challenges.From the perspectives of rural area itself, rural culture and inheritance of the rural culture, the article analyzes the dilemmas of rural cultural inheritance such as the lack of carrier, the absence of subject and the shortage of media in the construction of the new-type urbanization. With the path analysis and reconstruction, the paper proposes the perseverance in the people-orientationand culture confidence to enrich the connotation of rural development and urban construction continuously,theorganic renewal to promote the “creative transformation and innovative development” of rural culture, the overall planning to coordinate the participation of internal, external and Grassroots Organizations in the inheritance of rural culture and an even growth to balance the development between urban and rural areas and between urban economy and rural culture.