
(北京大学 人口研究所,北京 100871)

人口健康; 公共卫生政策; 公共卫生体系; 2019新型冠状病毒

The Research Progress of China's Public Health System in the Early 21st Century
LIN Jin-long

(Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

population health; public health policy; China public health system; 2019-nCoV

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.05.007



China's public health system is faced with a big challenge as the outbreak of 2019-nCoV sounded an alarm. The paper makes a quantitative analysis of 465 piecesof literature on the theme of “public health system” in CSSCI and China's core journal database(2001-2020)to provide reference for the public health system in the post-epidemic era. It is found that the extension study of China's public health system has been broadened in the early 21st century and some positive progress has been made on themes of public health system, public health emergencies and health finance performance evaluation. But at the same time, there are problems like the imbalance and inadequacy of the research on stress response mode and the relative insufficiency of endogenous development impetus. The paper puts forward some suggestions for the further research on the aspects of public health policy design, interdisciplinary research approach, paradigm transformation of existing research, and improvement of micro public health systems.