
(安徽师范大学 文学院,安徽 芜湖 241000)

智者形象; 贾平凹; 塑造

On the Narrative Mode of Wise Man's Images in Jia Pingwa's Novels
LIU Gen-gen

(School of Liberal Arts, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, Chian)

wise man's images; Jia Pingwa; shaping

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.05.013


贾平凹在十多个文本中塑造了智者形象,表现出作者对智者形象的偏爱。作者主要从虚实结合的手法、神秘现象的书写、智者视角的使用三个方面,对智者形象进行叙述。贾平凹在实写智者形象的基础上虚写其古朴而超脱的精神气韵; 在书写智者身上的神秘现象时,透露出智者面对奇妙莫测命运时的人生哲思,表现出民族深层次的文化心理; 还借助智者的视角进行观察、叙述,隐秘地传达自身的思想观念,从而描绘出具有中国古老韵味的智者形象。

Jia Pingwa has created images of wise man in more than ten works to show his preference. This paper discusses the narrative mode of wise man's images from three aspects like the combination of real and imaginary, the writing of mysterious phenomena and the employment of wise man's perspectives. Jia Pingwa implies the unsophisticated and detached charm in his real and concrete writing of their images.The writing about the mysterious phenomena of the wise reveals their life philosophy when faced with the unpredictable fate and the deep cultural psychology of the nation. The observation and narration from the wise man's perspectives secretly conveys thoughts and ideas of his own, and thus depicts images of wise men with the ancient charm of China.