
(上海外国语大学 文学研究院,上海 201600)

朱自清; 朗诵; 诵读; “文学的国语”

Recitation and the Growth of “the Literary National Language” ——A study of Zhu Ziqing's view of recitation
SHI Wei, LI Jie

(Institute of Literary Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201600, China)

Zhu Ziqing; recitation; reading; “literary national language”

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2020.06.011


朱自清对朗诵的认识主要分为三个阶段:国外读诗会、国内战前“读诗会”、战后“朗诵诗”。朗诵与朱自清的语言观有着紧密联系,其语言观主要经历了两个过程:从最初认为白话可适当欧化再到主张从大众语中提炼出文学语言。他认为最理想的语言应当具有节奏和音乐性,而这种节奏和音乐性可从朗诵、诵读中觉出。从统一国语的大背景出发,朱自清重视朗诵、诵读,是因为他认为朗诵及与之相关的文学语言是形成“文学的国语”的重要途径。不难发现,朱自清的朗诵观及文学语言观与胡适“国语的文学,文学的国语”的思想一脉相承,朗诵的最终目的 是促进“文学的国语”形成。

Nowadays, there is little review and research on the system of Zhu Ziqing's view of recitation, nor attention paid to the relevant theories such as Zhu Ziqing's view of language and his perspective on the forming way of the national language of literature. Zhu Ziqing's understanding of recitation can be divided into three stages of poetry reading meeting abroad, pre-war poetry reading meeting at home and post-war poetry recitation. Recitation is closely related to Zhu's language view that experiences two progresses from the appropriate occidentalization of vernacular language to the refinement of literature language from popular language. He believes that the most ideal language is rhythmic and musical which can be felt in reading and recitation. From the perspective of national language unification, Zhu Ziqing pays great attention to reading and recitation, for he thinks that recitation and relevant literature language is an important approach to form literary national language. Undoubtedly, Zhu Ziqing's views of recitation and literary language are consistent with Hu Shi's though of “national language literature and literary national language”. The ultimate purpose of recitation is to promote the formation of literary national language.