
(首都师范大学 历史学院,北京 100089)

汉长安城; 都城; 汉长安县; 时空结构

On the Geographical Space of Chang'an as a City, a Capital and a County in the Han Dynasty
DAI Jian-lei

(School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089, China)

Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty; capital; Chang'an County in the Han Dynasty; space-time structure

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2021.01.003


Chang'an in the Han dynasty contains three geographical concepts of city, capital and county, which interrelate with each other but develop respectively. The geographical concept of Chang'an as a county and a capital stems from the site selection of capital and the establishment of county in the fifth year of the Han Dynasty. From the fifth year to the seventh year of Han Dynasty Chang'an County incorporated with Xingcheng County and covered the range of Xianyang County of the Qing Dynasty. After the enclosure of city wall in the fifth year of Emperor Hui, the space scope of Chang'an City was fixed. Due to its political characteristics as a “capital”, Chang'an City was under the joint jurisdiction of Sanfu(the capital area and environs governed by three officials)and Chang'an County as well, hence the reduction of county area. During the period from Emperor Hui to Wang Mang, the conspicuous architecture such as Jianzhang Palace, buildings in the south of the city and the urban central axis reflected the evolution of the space of capital city and the institutional culture in different periods. Though Chang'an City survived in the Eastern Han Dynasty the loss of the “capital” nature led to the decline of the city's political functions and thus Sanfu officials administrated their territories respectively. As a result, the location area of Chang'an County was narrowed down to the north and south of Weihe River.