
(宝鸡文理学院 文学与新闻传播学院,陕西 宝鸡 721013)

《青春之歌》; 爱情叙事; 叙事模式; 十七年文学

On the Love Narrative Mode of The Song of Youth
WEI Zi-qi

(College of Literature & Journalism and Communication, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, China)

The Song of Youth; love narrative; narrative mode

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2021.02.009


《青春之歌》作为“十七年”文学中唯一由女作家撰写的红色经典,以日本侵华过程中发生的“九一八”事变到“一二九”运动为背景,其间贯穿着女性的情爱叙事及青春成长主题。在情爱叙写上,《青春之歌》一方面对中国传统才子佳人叙事模式进行了传承与转化,又对大革命时期“革命+恋爱”的模式进行了改造; 另一方面也对西欧骑士叙事进行了借鉴和选择,将骑士精神中国化,使情爱叙事更加具有浪漫主义时代气息。其中西结合的爱情叙事模式强化了革命背景下男女双方的感情向度与深度,为作品蒙上了一层浪漫主义色彩,使严肃的革命叙事题材不失人间温情,显示出作家深厚的文化底蕴和独特的时代思考。
As the only red classic work written by a female writer of “the Seventeen-year Literature”(1949-1966), The Song of Youth is based on the events of September 18 Incident and the December 9th Movement during the Japanese invasion of China, through which runs the love narrative of a female and a theme of youth growth. In the description of love, The Song of Youth inherits and transforms the Chinese traditional narrative mode about talented scholars and lovely ladies and remolds “revolution and love” in the period of the great revolution. Moreover, it also uses for reference the narrative of Western European knights selectively to sinicize the chivalry spirit and make the love narrative more romantic. Thanks to the writer's profound cultural background and unique thinking of the times, the combination of Western and Chinese love narrative modes amplifies the emotional tendency and depth of both men and women under the revolutionary background, thus adding a layer of romanticism to the work and rendering the serious revolutionary narrative theme with the human warmth of the world.