
(福建师范大学 马克思主义学院, 福建 福州 350108)

恩格斯; 《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》; 女性地位; 当代启示

Engels' Thoughts on Female Status and Its Contemporary Enlightenment——Based on The 0rigin of Family, Private Ownership and the State
ZHONG Hai-song

(Marxism College, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108, China)

Engels; the 0rigin of Family, Private Ownership and the State; feminine status; contemporary inspiration

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2021.05.002


在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中,恩格斯以唯物史观为视角深入分析了女性地位随着人类社会从原始共产制到私有制、群婚制到个体婚制、母权制到父权制而呈总体下降趋势的历史演变过程。恩格斯指出,一方面女性地位下降主要表现为女性在经济、人身、性关系、子嗣等方面的权益丧失,这既激化了两性冲突及社会内部矛盾,也加剧了男性的独裁统治和品格败坏; 另一方面,消灭私有制,参与社会公共劳动,实现家务劳动社会化,以现代的个人性爱为基础缔结婚姻,则是提升女性地位并实现两性平等的基本条件。恩格斯关于女性地位的思想对于推动建立男女两性平衡发展机制,促进人的性别的均衡发展和形成新时代中国特色社会主义女性发展道路,展现新时代中国女性新面貌具有重要启示作用。
In “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”, Engels analyzes the overall decline in the status of women from the perspective of historical materialism as human society goes from primitive communism to private ownership, group marriage system to individual marriage system, and matriarchy to patriarchy. Engels pointed out that, on the one hand, the decline of women's status is mainly manifested in the loss of women's rights and interests in economic, personal, sexual relations, children, etc., which not only intensifies conflicts between the sexes and internal contradictions in society, but also leads to the dictatorship and character corruption of men; On the other hand, the elimination of private ownership, participation in social public labor, socialization of housework, and marriage based on modern personal sex are the basic conditions for enhancing women's status and achieving gender equality. Engels' thoughts on the status of women have important enlightenment for us to promote the establishment of a balanced development mechanism for men and women, to form a socialist development path for women with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and to promote the construction of an international environment conducive to the development of women.