赵 珏1,2

(1.北京师范大学 马克思主义学院,北京100875; 2.玉溪师范学院 马克思主义学院,云南 玉溪 653100)

从严治党; 党内政治文化; 建设路径

A Path Analysis of Intra-Party Political Culture Improvement in the Context of Strict CPC Governance

(1.School of Marxism, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2.School of Marxism, Yuxi Normal University, Yuxi 653100, China)

strict CPC governance; intraparty political culture; the path of improvement

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2022.03.002


To advance the in-depth development of strict Party governance, take intra-party political activity seriously, purify the political ecology, we need to foster a positive intraparty political culture in the new era. In the process of intraparty political culture improvement, it is critical to abide by the principle of unifying historical logic, theoretical logic and realistic logic. Moreover, the effectiveness of intraparty political culture improvement should be enhanced in three basic paths, namely, building a solid belief foundation to persist in the tradition of intraparty political culture, holding the helm of thought to expand and deepen theoretical study and playing a positive dominant role to improve the intraparty political culture. A sound political eco-environment will be fostered with intra-Party political culture improvement to lead all Party members to uphold core values of the Party.