
(陕西理工大学 人文学院,陕西 汉中 723001)

符号消费; 国潮文化; 深层建构; 文化认同

Deep Construction and Cultural Identity of National Tide Culture from the Perspective of Semeiotics
YANG Lu, WANG Yu-zhu

(School of Humanities, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723001, China)

symbolic consumption; the national culture; symbol construction; cultural identity

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2023.04.012


In a consumer society, audiences pay more and more attention to the symbolic meaning and value of commodities, and symbolic consumption has become a new trend in modern society. The rise of the national tide culture gains public popularity because of its cultural symbols full of connotations. Its symbol construction is due to the continuation of Chinese aesthetic spirit and the aesthetic pursuit in daily life, though the cultural symbols thus constructed mostly rest on the sought and pursuit of surface symbols, or the surface coding at the visual level. Therefore, the real development of the national culture requires deep symbol construction, aesthetic psychology and cultural identity, so as to truly highlight the spiritual value of Chinese culture and evoke the recognition of symbols, statuses and values of the national culture.