
(北京城市学院 艺术学部,北京 100083)

艺术; 工业厂房; 保留与改造; 形势与功能

The Transforming for Art's Sake——A discussions on the design strategy of Power Station of Art, Shanghai
ZHU Yi-lang

(School of Art, Beijing City University, Beijing 100083, China)

art; industrial buildings; preservation and transformation; form and function

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.02.013


城市在发展的过程中留下的工业遗迹常被视作城市发展的拖累与桎梏,但如以灵活和长远眼光来观察,它们便是城市可贵的物质资源和精神财富,其工业形态与城市中的很多其他形态能够形成特殊的差异性和共生性关系。尤其工业与艺术的碰撞与结合,能激发出更为丰富和微妙的化学反应:一方面海纳百川的当代艺术视工业气氛为标新立异的审美意蕴和风格语言; 另一方面工业遗迹的特殊空间尺度和铺陈手法又为当代艺术提供个性张扬并与艺术相得益彰的“舞台”,并契合了当代艺术的多元化需求。通过这种结合,工业遗迹成为艺术的本体和载体,艺术成为工业遗迹重生

The industrial relics left in the process of city growth are roughly seen as the burden and shackle of the urban development, which in a longer and more flexible sight may become precious material resources and spiritual wealth if a relation is fostered based on the dissimilarity and co-existence between the industrial form and other morphologies in the city. In this respect, the combination of industry and art may spark and enrich subtle reactions. The industrial atmosphere would be taken as an unconventional and brand-new aesthetic implication or stylish language by the highly inclusive contemporary art. Moreover the special space scale and the space composition of industrial heritages would provide series of “stages” for the contemporary art pieces to splash personality and complement with each other, thus fulfilling the diversified demands of the contemporary art. By this co-mingling, the industrial heritages become the noumenon and vehicle of art, while in vice versa the art serves as the activation and new meaning of the industrial heritages. Based on the analysis of the design strategy of Power Station of Art, Shanghai, the paper discuses the feasibility and innovativeness of the transformation of industrial buildings to artistic architectures. It is argued that the preservation and transformation of industrial relics, the dialogue between the form and the function, and the design pursuit of art, functions, and experience space would reflect the social attitude available for the architecture.