
(陕西理工大学 文学院,陕西 汉中 723000)

元稹; 白居易; 五言百韵诗; 叙事性

On the Narrative Features of the Five-word Hundred Rhyme Poems by Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi

(College of Literature, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China)

Yuan Zhen; Bai Juyi; five-word hundred rhyme poems; narrativity

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.03.012


元稹、白居易诗集中皆存五言百韵长律这种特殊的诗体,该诗体以叙事性鲜明而独具面目。其叙事内容,主要体现在写宦游地风土人情、日常宴饮交游及各自政治经历三个方面; 叙事技巧则主要体现在强化诗题叙事性,诗前添加小序,在诗中加注及使事用典等方面。他们的百韵诗之所以注重叙事,与当时诗风趋于写实,及二人擅长创制乐府歌诗等因素有关。

In the poetry anthologies of Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi there is a special poetic style of five-word hundred rhyme poems, which is typical of its distinct narrative style. Its narrative content is mainly about the writing in three aspects such as the local conditions and customs of official travelling, the daily banquets and social intercourse and their political experience. The narrative skills are mainly reflected in the enhancement of the narrativity of poetry, the addition of small prefaces to the poem, and the employment of annotations, allusions and so on. It is due to the realistic tend of poetic style then and their skillful writing of Yuefu song poems that the narrative is paid higher attention to in their hundred rhyme poems.