
(成都理工大学 马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610059)

马克思主义话语权; 建设研究; 回顾与反思

A Review and Reflection on the Study of the Construction of Marxist Discourse Power
GUO Hu, WANG Jing, WU Yu

(School of Marxism, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China)

Marxist discourse power; construction research; review and reflection

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.05.001


通过对近十年马克思主义话语权建设研究回顾,发现学界围绕马克思主义话语权概念及马克思主义话语权建设的有利条件、限制因素、具体路径展开了深入研究并取得丰硕成果,但还存在对马克思主义话语权建设内容的研究不够深入、建设路径的有待扩展等急需解决的问题。为此,在反思基础上,基于更好建设马克思主义话语权,学者们还不得不面对这些问题:加紧马克思主义话语权元理论研究; 正确处理马克思主义话语权建设的优势与问题; 找准马克思主义话语权建设的路径。

Reviewing the construction of Marxist discourse power the article finds that academic circles have achieved abundant results in the profound study on the concept of Marxist discourse power, and the advantages, the limiting factors and the specific path of the construction, though there are issues remaining to be solved that the research on the construction contents is inadequate and the construction path is to be extended. Therefore, on the basis of the reflection of the better construction of the Marxist discourse power, scholars have to face these problems: intensifying the study of the meta-theory of Marxist discourse power, handling properly the advantages and problems of the construction of Marxist discourse power, and finding the right path for the construction.