
(西安翻译学院 文学院,陕西 西安 710105)

渼陂; 名称; 水域兴衰; 沿革

A Textual Research on the Name of Meibei Lake and the Evolution of the Waters

(School of Arts, Xi'an Fanyi University, Xi'an 710105, China)

Meibei Lake; name; the rise and fall of waters; evolution

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2018.06.010


渼陂位于今西安市鄠邑区,是古代长安最负盛名的旅游景点之一。对渼陂名称与水域兴衰沿革的考证研究,既是对渼陂丰厚历史文化的发掘整理,亦能对当代渼陂旅游文化追溯本源提供借鉴。渼陂名称主要经历了西陂、美陂和渼陂三个演变过程。渼陂水域面积和景观自盛唐达到极盛,后逐渐趋于衰败; 渼陂水量在元末以前都比较充沛,至元末兵乱之后开始减少; 明清虽对渼陂有过修葺,但仍旧无法挽回渼陂走向衰败的趋势。

Meibei Lake, located in Huyi district of Xi'an City today, was one of the most famous tourist attractions in ancient Chang'an. The textual research on the name of Meibei and the rise and fall of the waters is expected to explore and collate the rich historic culture of Meibei Lake and thus provide a reference for us to trace the origin of Meibei culture in the contemporary tourism development. The name has mainly changed three times, that is, Xibei(the west pond), Meibei(the sweet water pond)and Meibei(the rippling pond). Having achieved its prosperous in the glorious age of the Tang Dynasty, the water area and the landscape of Meibei Lake gradually declined. The water volume of Meibei waters was abundant before the end of the Yuan Dynasty and began to decrease after. Though Meibei Lake was been repaired in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, nothing can redeem the decline of the waters.