基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目“我国经济增长效率损失研究:基于要素空间错配下产业结构失衡的分析”(71703121); 陕西省社科界2018年重大理论与现实问题研究项目“基于生态文明视域下的陕西美丽乡村建设研究”(2018Z038)
作者简介:张 鹏(1984-),男,西安建筑科技大学管理学院博士研究生,讲师,研究方向为管理系统工程、科技成果转化; 周恩毅(1963-),男,西安建筑科技大学教授,博士生导师,研究方向为管理科学与工程及公共管理。E-mail:605530245@qq.com
DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.02.008
To promote the innovative achievement transformation is not only the main target of government policy on science and technology incentive, but also the key to effectively drive the researchers' innovation ability. As the main place to develop and apply frontier innovative achievements, scientific research institutions of universities are in the core position of the national innovation system and the output of their scientific and technological achievements contribute to the progress of regional innovation. The comprehensive evaluation of researchers' performance serves as an important breakthrough in driving the innovation and the development which relies on talents. The paper establishes the performance evaluation index system of innovative achievement transformation of university researchers, and then ranks the performance evaluation indexes according to index weights and their contributions to the general objectives by using the method of AHP. The findings indicate that four indexes, including result ratification, patent application(approval), achievement transformation income, and publication of monographs and research papers, are factors to influence the transformation of innovative achievements greatly.