
(西安交通大学 外国语学院,陕西 西安 710049)

他者; 自我; 情感; 理性; 错位

On Disparity in Alice Munro's Lichen

(School of Foreign Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)

the Other; the Self; emotion; reasoning; disparity

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.02.010



Lichen, containing deep meanings and rich images, is one of the representative works by Alice Munro, the Canadian Nobel prize female winner for literature. From the perspective of narrative psychology, the paper explores three levels of disparity like “the Other” and “the Self”, the self-deception and the conflict between emotion and reasoning. It reveals the hidden complex emotions and psychology of the characters in the in-depth text and also women's vulnerability and inferior status when they are faced with the emotional and marriage trouble including females' confusion and males' struggle, and their faith and persistence in love under disparity of relations. The story thus shows the females' tolerating and accepting attitude behind endurance and persistence, and their efforts for self-redemption and the hope for the future.