
(西安培华学院 人文学院,陕西 西安 710125)

贾平凹; 《老生》; 《山本》; 地方志

From Laosheng to Shanben: Jia Pingwa's Chronicle Writing about Qinling Mountains
XU Xiang

(School of Humanities and International Education, Xi'an Peihua University, Xi'an 710125, China)

Jia Pingwa; Laosheng; Shanben; local chronicles

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.02.013


贾平凹近期的创作呈现出某种方志的特点,从《老生》到最新力作《山本》,秦岭作为关键的结构枢纽进入了贾平凹的方志书写中。小说中,秦岭这片奇幻的土地,存在于既定观念烛照不到的另一种时空下,有着最为混沌但又丰富的经验。对秦岭的书写,还原了这片土地在各种观念构型之外的“地方性”; 将秦岭的历史纳入到中国近代的历史变迁中,展开了一种隐秘的关于“国家—地方”的历史叙事; 同时,小说又超越了历史,探索了历史发展过程中亘古不变的人性。

Jia Pingwa's recent creation shows characteristics of local chronicles. From Laosheng to Shanben, Qinling Mountain has become a key point in his chronicles writing. In the novel, Qinling Mountain, existing in another space-time beyond the established concept, is a fantastic land of most chaotic and rich experience. The writing of the Qinling Mountains restores the “locality” of the land beyond various conceptual configurations. He brings the history of Qinling Mountains into the historical changes of modern China, and unfolds a secret historical narrative about “country-place”. Going through the history both novels explore the everlasting human nature in the course of historical development.