
(陕西理工大学 文学院,陕西 汉中 723001)

张爱玲; 《红楼梦魇》; 《红楼梦》; 版本

A Research on Zhang Ailing's Discussion of Versions of Dream in Red Mansions in Nightmare in the Red Chamber
LUO Hao-chun

(School of Liberal Arts, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China)

Zhang Ailing; Nightmare in the Red Chamber; Dream in Red Mansions; version

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.03.012


《红楼梦》被张爱玲称为自己“一切的源泉”,在其学术著作《红楼梦魇》中,通过对《红楼梦》各版本的仔细比较,张爱玲认为研究《红楼梦》版本不能以“本”为单位,而应以回、段、句为单位,对《红楼梦》后四十回续书的不足之处也进行了举证和批判,同时她还考证了《红楼梦》改写情节的原貌与遗稿的内容,对周汝昌所列举的十种早本结局也进行了逐一辨析。张爱玲研究《红楼梦》的方法别具一格:识小辨微,浅斟细酌; 旁征博引,独抒己见; 古今贯通,中西并用。正是这种独特的考据方法和考据思维,使她对学术界一直存在争议的问题也有了自己的见解。然不论是续书“狗尾续貂”“附骨之疽”的评价,还是《红楼梦》是创作而非自传的见解都还尚待商榷。

Referring Dream in Red Mansions as the source of all, Zhang Ailing carefully compare each version of the novel in her academic book Nightmare in the Red Chamber. Rather than taking different versions of the whole book as the research unit, Zhang Ailing prefer the comparative study of the chapter, the paragraph, the even the sentence. She also criticizes the shortcomings of the sequel of last forty chapters of Dream in Red Mansions with evidences, examines the original of rewritten plot and the contents of the manuscript, and analyzes the ten endings of the early versions listed by Zhou Ruchang. Zhang Ailing's research technique of Dream in Ted Mansions is unique: paying attention to every detail with carefully contemplation, expressing her own opinions while citing various authorities, employing western and Chinese knowledge with well-versed learning of ancient and modern times. It is this unique method and mind of textual research that makes her uphold her own opinions on the controversial issues in the academic world. However the commend of the sequel as an unworthy continuation to the masterpiece or the gangrene attached to the bone and the idea that Dream in Red Mansions is a literary creation rather than an autobiography are yet to be discussed.