
(广东工贸职业技术学院 马克思主义学院,广东 广州 510510)

林语堂; 中国文化智慧; 中华民族复兴; 中国文化走出去; 中国文化自信

Lin Yutang and the Modern Confidence in Chinese Culture
PAN Shui-ping

(College of Marxism,Guangdong College of Industry and Commerce,Guangzhou 510510, China)

Lin Yutang; Chinese cultural wisdom; Chinese national rejuvenation; “going global” strategy for Chinese culture; the confidence in Chinese culture

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2019.06.010


在20世纪现代视域下,林语堂在某种意义上可以说是对中国文化始终持守着高度自信的第一人。他对中国文化所流露出来的高度自信,固然是建立在其对中国思想精义的自觉批判、省思、体悟与认同的基础上。然而遗憾的是,至今文坛学界真正能够参悟及注意到这一点的人,尚是寥若晨星。由于林语堂中国文化自信长期得不到学者的相关研究。这一点致使学界对林语堂学术贡献的评述往往显得过于极端机械化,总是与历史事实不太相宜,同时也实足影射出人们对林语堂的研究自然存有局限屏蔽、回避空疏、偏颇失察而欠缺宽阔的一面。以此观之,林语堂与中国文化现代自信此一问题恐怕就更有讨论之必要,亦是理应为当前学界补而述之的议题。据林语堂的涉猎所及,中国人处世哲思的至高智慧归纳起来有三大表显特质: 1)“和平”的爱好者:中国人的性情特征; 2)“近情且不越矩”:中国人的人生态度; 3)“一意关心着人类的幸福”:中国人的生活艺术。其实,全面深入探讨林语堂的学术影响及其对中国文化自信有所推进的历史事实,一方面可以在很大程度上弥补当前学界对林语堂学术贡献的重视不足的问题; 另一方面可以藉以得窥、概观与补察林语堂对中国文化高度自信的问题。

From the modern perspective of 20th century, Lin Yutang is in a sense the first person who has always maintained a high degree of confidence in Chinese culture, which is certainly based on his consciousness of criticism, reflection, understanding and identification of the essence of Chinese thought. Unfortunately, few scholars in literary circles can really understand and pay attention to this point. With little study of Lin Yutang's confidence in Chinese culture for a long time, the academic commentary on Lin Yutang's academic contribution seems too mechanized, and is inconsistent with the historical facts. At the same time, it reflects naturally that the research on Lin Yutang is closed because of limitation, shallow due to avoidance, biased owing to oversight and confined by narrow minded. From this point of view, it is indispensable to discuss the issue of Lin Yutang and the modern confidence in Chinese culture, an added topic for the current academic circles. According to Lin Yutang, in the supreme wisdom of Chinese philosophical thinking of life there are three distinct characteristics: 1)“the lovers of peace”, Chinese temperament characteristics; 2)“standing to reason without breaking the rule”, Chinese attitude towards life; 3)“devoting one's concern for human welfare”, Chinese art of life. In fact, a comprehensive and in-depth study of Lin Yutang's academic impact and the historical fact that he has promoted the confidence in Chinese culture can to a large extent make up for the deficient attention that the current academics pay to his academic contribution. Moreover it can be used as a general survey and supplement inspection to look into Lin Yutang's high degree confidence in Chinese culture.