
(北京林业大学 艺术设计学院,北京100083)

华侨文化; 华侨建筑; 鼓浪屿; 中西风格融合; 闽南城市

From Private to Public: the Continuous Evolution of the Chinses-Western Blending Decoration of Overseas Chinese Buildings in Kulangsu
DING Fan-zhuo, ZHANG Ji-xiao

(College of Arts and Design, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083,China)

overseas Chinese culture; overseas Chinese buildings; Kulangsu; the integration of Chinese and Western style; cities in southern Fujian.

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2022.01.004



The overseas Chinese culture in southern Fujian, a special cultural form after multi-cultural integration, reflects mainly a blend of Chinese and Western cultures, especially in the material performance of architectural decoration. This combination of Chinese and Western architectural decoration is likely to broaden the local traditional art, thus visualizing the unique local architectural decoration style. By using historical review, field investigation, comparative analysis and other research methods, this paper discusses the unique cultural context embodiedin the architectural decoration in overseas Chinese buildings in Kulangsu, Xiamen. It is formed after the cultural collision between the foreign cultures brought by overseas Chinese in southern Fujian and the local traditional decoration culture of buildings in southern Fujian. Combined with modern design aesthetics, this architectural decorative style system would play an important role continuously in shaping the image of urban public buildings in southern Fujian with a simplified new form.