
(陕西理工大学 人文学院,陕西 汉中 723001)

空间转向; 审美需要; 审美体验; 后现代文化

Postmodern Evolution of Aesthetic Experience under the View of Spatial Turn
ZHU Li-wen,XU Xiang-yang

(School of Humanities, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723001, China)

spatial turn; aesthetic needs; aesthetic experience; postmodern culture

DOI: 10.15986/j.1008-7192.2023.01.012


The“Spatial Turn” in western theoretical discourse leads space up to the explicit position and gradually becomes the main form of representation in post-modern culture. The rise of space has subverted a lifestyle that has always been dominated by time. People's sense of loss in space is fading, and it is replaced by an aesthetic need for space. Instead of being taken as the aesthetic objects in ancient times, the natural space has become the productive space due to the intervention of man's productive practice, and the imagery self taken as an aesthetic object has evolved into the visual-based productive space. However, the common ground between the spatial experience in postmodernism and the aesthetic experience in ancient natural space is that the generation of spatial aesthetic feeling needs the participation of subjectivity. It is the return of subjectivity that completes the postmodern transformation of space aesthetic experience.